Associate Project Manager Level 4
Version 1.4
End-Point Assessment (EPA) is the final assessment for an apprentice. An apprentice cannot achieve their apprenticeship without passing the End-Point Assessment.
EPA is an opportunity for an apprentice to showcase what they have learnt during their apprenticeship for an Associate Project Manager. This assessment includes a Presentation and Professional Discussion.
The End-Point Assessment for Associate Project Manager Level 4 can be carried our remotely or face-to-face.
Gateway requirements for an Associate Project Manager Level 4 apprentices includes:
Evidence the apprentice has achieved Level 2 maths and English
Submit Portfolio of Evidence
Submit Proposal Scope
Typically, 18 months on programme
Assessment Methods
Written Report with Presentation and Questioning
A Written Project Report involves the apprentice completing a significant and defined piece of work that has a real business application and benefit. The Written Project Report must meet the needs of the employer’s business and be relevant to the apprentice’s occupation and apprenticeship.
The Written Project Report must have a word count of 3500 words. A tolerance of 10% above or below is allowed. Appendices, references and diagrams are not included in this total.
The Presentation with Questions must last 60 minutes. This will typically include a presentation of 20 minutes and a questioning session lasting 40 minutes. The assessor will ask a minimum of 6 questions.
Professional Discussion Underpinned by a Portfolio of Evidence
The Professional Discussion is a formal two-way conversation between an independent assessor and apprentice. This discussion gives the apprentice the opportunity to demonstrate the KSBs mapped to this assessment method.
Apprentices will be asked a minimum of 6 questions over the course of 60 minutes (+10% if required).
Results will be communicated within 10 working days of the final assessment.
If an apprentice Fails their EPA component, they will be offered the opportunity to re-sit / re-take the component. It is then up to the apprentice’s employer how many attempts an apprentice is given.
Where any assessment method must be re-sat or re-taken, the apprentice will be awarded a maximum EPA grade of Pass. Re-sits and re-takes are not offered to an apprentice wishing to move from Pass to a higher grade.
*For details of the previous version of Associate Project Manager Level 4 (Version1.3), please download and refer to our Previous Version resources.