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Teaching Assistant Level 3

Version 1.1  |  ST0454


End-Point Assessment (EPA) is the final assessment for an apprentice. An apprentice cannot achieve their apprenticeship without passing the End-Point Assessment. The EPA must take place within 3 months of passing through Gateway.

EPA is an opportunity for an apprentice to showcase what they have learnt during their apprenticeship for a Teaching Assistant Level 3. The assessments for this standard include an Observation with Questioning and a Professional Discussion Underpinned by Portfolio of Evidence.

The End-Point Assessment for Teaching Assistant Level 3 can only be carried out face-to-face, unless otherwise agreed with NQual.


Gateway requirements for a Teaching Assistant Level 3 apprenticeship includes:

  • Evidence the apprentice has achieved Level 2 maths and English

  • A completed Portfolio of Evidence

  • Typically, 18 months on programme

Assessment Methods

Observation with Questioning

Apprentices will be observed within their workplace over a one-day period where they will have a total of 110 minutes to demonstrate how they have applied their KSBs in a work environment to achieve genuine and demanding work objectives.

This will then be followed by a Q&A session lasting for 20 minutes (this is accounted for within the 110-minute overall assessment time) where the independent assessor will question the apprentice in order to clarify any sector / specialist practice from the observation.

Professional Discussion Underpinned by a Portfolio of Evidence

The Professional Discussion will last 90 minutes and be a structured discussion between the apprentice and the independent assessor, following the practical observation, to establish the apprentice’s understanding and application of the knowledge, skills and behaviours.


Results will be communicated within 10 working days of the final assessment.

If an apprentice Fails one or more component, they will be offered the opportunity to re-sit / re-take the component(s). It is then up to the apprentice’s employer how many attempts an apprentice is given.

Where any assessment method must be re-sat or re-taken, the apprentice will be awarded a maximum EPA grade of Merit. Re-sits and re-takes are not offered to an apprentice wishing to move from Pass to a higher grade.

EPA Resources.

Revision Guide (Sample)
Revision Guide Icon

Previous Version.

download icon 2.png

EPA Pricing:


*EPA cost based on online assessments

Need More Info?

UCAS v2.png

This qualification is eligible for UCAS points. Please see the UCAS website for further information of points allocated. You can do this by clicking on the logo to the left.

Reasons to Choose NQual

NQual - Fast Solutions


NQual are committed to excellent customer service, responding to all queries within 48 hours.

NQual - No Waiting Around, Fast results

No Waiting

NQual average a 5 working day turnaround for sending learner's results.

NQual - ensuring success


NQual offer excellent assessment resources including mock questions, support packs and revision guides. 

NQual - premium service


NQual distinguishes itself from other EPAOs through its unwavering commitment to quality and innovation.

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